I know that email is a good way to keep in touch and I do use it often. When I have some quick question late at night (at my age I'm always afraid I may forget it by morning), or I don't really have much to say but just want to 'touch base' with someone. It's great when you would have to make multiple phone calls for the same message to a group or you just want to hear from someone as often as possible - like your kids. Becky was great at emailing almost everyday while she was in Nashville, Jen wasn't too bad - she usually answered about every fifth or sixth one of mine. Getting an email from Stevie was almost too good to be true. I think I've gotten maybe half a dozen emails from him ever - maybe it's a guy thing. He was always good about calling though.
But I really miss walking out to the mailbox and getting a good old fashioned letter from someone you haven't heard from in months. The closest we ever get to that anymore is from a friend of Steve's -Bill Walker - who very kindly includes me in his greetings. We usually get postcards from him - from all over the world. And I love that kind of mail and really miss it. When I was a kid we use to have penpals or I had a friend who moved away that would write for awhile. I can remember when I was at OCC the highest point in the day was checking the mailbox. Mama wrote me at least once a week and my brother Joe would write now and then. For years after high school I would often get letters from old friends or some of the new ones I had made in Oklahoma. After I was married I still had several friends and one big brother that would write now and then. I was looking through some old pictues and stuff from my younger years and I found a few letters I had kept - if I had known they were going to be a thing of the past I probably would have kept a lot more of them! Now I know what you're going to say - I should write letters to some old friends so they will write me back - I've tried that. I've either been ignored completely or they email me - which isn't bad but I really would like to find a letter in my mailbox sometimes! Well, I don't know what I think whining to those who read my blog will do - but I'm curious - do you guys get real mail or is it truly a thing of the past?
Maybe I should write a bunch of letters and see if I can start a new fad.