Saturday, November 22, 2008
Early Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Gracie
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Book, Election, Illness, & Autumn
I'm sure a number of you were watching election results last night but I chose to curl up and finish a good book I was reading, Ken Follett's World Without End. It's a good historical fiction but not for the faint of heart. In fact I think I caught my cold from it - there was a large section about a plague that starts with sneezing and that was when my 'sneezing' day hit - of course, mine only turned into a nasty cold that I'm still fighting but it doesn't look like I'm going to die from the plague.
The book also had a lot of politics in it - it was back in the 1300's in England - those poor people really had a lot to deal with - not only kings and lords but priests and priors.
I am so VERY glad that this election is finally over - my phone has not rung once in the last hour! I was never a strong opponent for either candidate, I just voted for what I considered to be the lesser evil. I know we are all in God's hands and if Obama was His choice or not - He'll make something good come from it. What I'm really hoping is that all the silly squabbling will stop -there have been elections where Steve and I simply went to cancel out each other's vote - but we didn't argue about it. With a little maturity you realize that you can't make everybody see it your way so just accept the fact to agree to disagree but don't let it mess with your relationships. We can overcome anything if we just let our love for each other come first. I'm stealing a quote from Suzanne on FB who stole it from someone else's blog:
"No matter what happens on election day our task remains the same, to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly."
As for me, I'm ready to put the election behind me and just move on. I always take fall pictures which is really kinda silly because you just can't really capture the beauty that God has created with these colors. It's a 'you have to be there' kinda thing. I think I will get dressed and go take a nice walk - the leaves are falling fast and furious now and wet and colder weather is headed our way - have to get in all this autumn joy while I can. Hope you all have a great day!
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