1982 - Jenny was 6 years old and never been fishing. Anyone who knows her father already knows why - camping, fishing, & hunting are not his thing. So while on a trip to Minnesota to see Uncle Joe, who happened to have fishing gear and a large pond behind his house, Jenny got her first (and probably last) taste of fishing. When I look at these pictures - I have to chuckle. I'm sure you see nothing funny here but you have to know Uncle Joe to see the humor. My big brother Joe has always been a tease and has a wonderful witty humor that can keep the family in stitches on those rare occassions when he and Sandi come for a visit - and this picture depicts one of his more subtle and unintentional jokes. He was quick to agree that Jenny should get to fish and I was a little nervous about her with a fish hook. Then when she started whipping the line around in the air (I assume she had seen that somewhere?) I was more than nervous that one of us was going to get 'hooked'. Joe kinda laughed and quietly said to me - "Don't worry, I took the hook off the line." That calmed me greatly and at one point when Jenny was sure she had a fish on her line, I smiled at Joe and said, " I guess I don't have to worry about what she would do if she actually caught a fish." Joe said nothing for a few minutes, and then with his quiet little chuckle he said very 'matter of factly', "No, you wouldn't have to worry about that anyway - there's no fish in this pond."
i still remember that day, i was so excited to fish. ha ha ha, you guys were so funny.
I love that story! ha! Is Uncle Joe that smart, or is Jenny just that, um, not smart? hmmmm! hehe Just kidding! I think I'm giggling in the picture, because I know the TRUTH! ha! :)
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