When I was a young mom, I was always fascinated and loved how God made each of my children so unique in their personalities. They all have different stong points and things that you can appreciate about that particular child. Yet, each of them has at one time or another reminded me that they are part of the 'clan'. It may be a facial expression, a way of talking, the way they stand or walk or just how they respond to a particular situation - I'll see myself, Steve, or one of our siblings or parents in that moment. I continue to enjoy watching them develop their personalities as adults - and now the next generation is in full swing for our family.
God has blessed me with two wonderful years of watching Spencer develop his own personality - and it is just so neat. He loves animals and is a good hugger. He says 'Thank you' and understands being gentle - and he is a very picky eater. Spencer is truly his own little person but I often see glimpses of Karl, Jenny, or maybe his Uncle Stevie from time to time.
In Psalm 128:56 it says, "and may you live to see your children's children." I pray for that blessing for myself and yet I know that if God has other plans and I die tomorrow, Spencer and my future grandchildren will be just fine with the wonderful parents they will have.
Spencer, you are such a delight and I love you very much - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
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