Anyway - aside from the fact that it was hot and we lost all the food in the refrigerator - I was just thankful that we still had plumbing, no small children, pets or elderly sick ones to worry about, money to go out to eat with, plenty of gas in both our cars, and 2 kids who never lost power and 1 who only lost it one night. Thanks kids for the a/c days and nights!
But atually the heat just made me think about my childhood days. We didn't have a/c for a long time but at least we did have electricity - and the most wonderful window fan in the world. The only thing that would compare is an attic fan. Flipping the switch on the fan before bed was just part of the "going to bed" ritual. I'd lie there in my bed with the gentle breeze the fan pulled in fluttering my curtains, brushing my skin, and actually making the room chilly by morning sometimes. But the best part was the constant rhythm of the fan. Sometimes when I have trouble sleeping I try to pull that sound from my memories - it just lulled you to sleep so easily.
We spent two nights at Stevie's house in the city and that stirred up a lot of old memories too. With no electric, people were sitting out on their porches like we always did in our neighborhood and neighbors would walk by and stop to chat on the front steps. I use to love taking night time walks around the block or up to the ice cream stand. Sometimes daddy would bring home a watermelon and we'd sit out in the back yard and enjoy that. As kids, we played out in the front up and down the block until "the streetlights come on." That was every kids' signal it was time to go home. We didn't watch a lot of tv (of course there were a lot fewer choices to watch) but we visited relatives for a few hours or just sat on the porch and watched the world go by - not a bad way to spend an evening at all.

I hope everyone is back up and running real soon - but if the electric is out and you think there's nothing to do - just use it as an excuse to relax and daydream - it'll be good for you.
I actually remember that front porch, and I think it's why I fell in love with our old house that we just sold! :) Nate and I have talked about adding a porch to our new house some day down the road. I'm sure it will be put to good use!!
I remember a swing that two of us could sit on and swing. I wonder how many times your sister and I said good night on that porch? Oh!!! and to eat a Tony's hot tamale was always a special treat on the old porch.
When I say the 'front porch' I think I do really mean the 'swing' - it WAS the best part of the porch - we all spent many an hour on that swing as kids and as 'couples'. Thanks Becky & Ed for pointing that out.
I loved the porch too.But you forgot about always having a big glass of ice tea as you swinged or if you hit it lucky Mr. Softy would come by.
I never got a Mr. Softy on the front porch but, we all know Jimmy was the favorite. Also, I remeber people that did not have front porches used to sit on the front steps. This was called sitting on the stoop while you visited with your neighbors.
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