September 11, 1956 was the day my little brother, James David McCoy, was born and knocked me out of 'the baby' spot. So do the math - guess who is 50!
We have always teased Jimmy about being momma & daddy's favorite - it's for very good reasons - but you would have had to been there. For example, I can remember locking myself in the bathroom because he was kicking me in the shins with his boon dockers (heavy boot shoes) - and who got in trouble??? -ME - I was told to leave HIM alone.
When he got old enough to help, we use to have fun shoveling the walks and then playing on the icy street - but that was before he knew to be embarrassed to be with his big sister. I remember when I was old enough to drive him places he'd always duck down if he saw any of his friends.
The best part is he's turned into a very excellent brother and I think he's great. He's fun to be with even though his job as a fireman has given him a weird sense of humor at times. And he's been real good about taking Stevie fishing and boating since Steve isn't much into that kind of stuff. There are times Stevie reminds me a lot of Jimmy - and it's not just the bald head.
I haven't gotten to see him much lately because of jobs, kids, and he switched to Mid-County - but I get that occassional goofy email and I'm hoping they'll come back to McKnight soon. Jimmy, I love you very much and I hope you have a FANTASTIC Birthday!!!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JIMMy I THINK
You are about to catch up
Happy 50th!!!!!!!
Your favorite Brother in-law
Happy Birthday Uncle Jimmy! And that 2nd picture down is an exact twin of Jenny at that age. At first I thought it was her!
Happy Birthday Uncle Jimmy!! Can't wait to see your new tattoo.
Thanks all for the b-day wishes. Hard to believe that i'm only 25 again. Guess you will have to get use to seeing us at church again. Now that Mere is in school, we should be attending Mcknight more.
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