Stevie, Becky , & Jenny - with Santa of course.
Millie, Nancy, Mom, Sherri
Me, Edward & Terri

Carl, Uncle Ed, Steve, Jimmy
Paul, and Edward

Spencer & Santa

Becky, Stevie, & Jenny - in one of their famous silly poses - I always loved those stripe pjs.

The fam

Jimmy & I with Santa

Roger (childhood friend) & me

The tree is up and the decorations are all out. The gifts are all bought and almost all wrapped - (still waiting for a few deliveries.) The cards have all been sent out and most of the Christmas dinner shopping is done - (there is always one more trip to Schnucks to be made!!) However, I have not made one single cookie or candy - unless I can count the batch Jenny & Spencer made while they were staying here. I have cut back every year on my Christmas baking - mostly because I'm the one that ends up eating most of it. I should be in there baking away right now but instead I decided to put it off a little longer and copy Uncle Ed by posting some old Christmas pictures - not very many as old as his but I hope you enjoy them anyway. I wonder if anyone would really notice if I didn't bake at all this year - hmmmm. Merry Christmas everyone - have a wonderful holiday weekend!!
Good pics mom! Those old black and white ones are so neat! I love that one of us as kids, too, with Stevie in his striped pjs... Christmas time was always the best! We were lucky to have parents like you to make it so special.... and don't worry about baking this year... no one will notice! :)
I think your pictures are older. I always thought Roger was an imiangeary friend.This is my first time to see Roger.
Roy was my imaginary friend - Roger was real - annie
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