Steve & I just took a few days last week to visit Chicago. We took the Amtrak there and back - but more on that later. We had a good time and did LOTS of walking. We arrived late afternoon and went out to Navy Pier where we just walked around (photo #1) and then went to Bubba Gumps for dinner. As we were walking back to our hotel ( Side note: Knickerbocker - an historical hotel. The bed was good and the people were nice but the bathroom was a total joke!!) anyway, we were walking along Michigan Avenue with hordes of people who were on their way home from work (it was already after 7pm) and we see an old friend waiting for his bus home. David E. was leaning against a building reading a book- I think we gave him quite a start. He only had a few minutes to chat before his bus came but it was good to see him.
Next day we walked down to the Wrigley Building where we caught an architectural boat tour - (photos #3 & #4). It was a beautiful day and a great tour. From there we walked on down to the Theater District to find lunch and to see Wicked - which was my main reason for coming to Chicago in the first place - (when we made these plans we didn't know it was coming back to St. Louis.) It's a great play and if you have a chance go see it. We walked all the way back to the hotel, did dinner, and then caught a taxi to the Blue Man Group - let's just say I can say I've seen it. It wasn't bad but not something I'd ever bother going to again.
Next day we caught a Gangster Tour Bus (photo #4) - this was fun and they took us through a lot of Chicago we wouldn't have seen on our own. After that we caught a taxi to the Field Museum and after seeing Sue the dinosaur and about a hundred other exhibits we were too tired to do any of the other museums and went back to the hotel for some r&r. We ended our trip that evening by going to a fun play Shear Madness. It's a little unusual but we enjoyed it.
Now about the Amtrak. It's an interesting experience. Things to Know:
1 - Don't expect to arrive anywhere on time. We were an hour late to Chicago and more than an hour late back to St. Louis.2 - I really don't recommend it with young children unless it's a very short trip. Trying to walk on the train while it's in motion is a challenge to adults and stepping from one car to the next is actually terrifying to the little ones.
3 - The best time to use the 'facilities' is when the train is not moving. I found that the most opportune time was when the station stop was deemed a "smoke stop" - which means we would be there for at least 3-5 minutes for the smokers to get off and indulge.
4 - Food is expensive - bring your own if at all possible.
5 - St. Louis has the saddest excuse for an Amtrak station - it's called a shack and for good reason. Even these tiny little towns in Illinois had cute little stations like in Kirkwood.
6 - Chicago's Union Station is downright scary - you're underground and have to walk along these long sidewalks between tracks. Plus, being a larger station - it's run more like an airport - but no bag checks at least.
7 - Your fellow passengers are an interesting assortment but usually quite harmless. Except for the few who curl up and sleep the whole way, most people chat with each other as if you were at a fellowship of some sort. You can have the quiet Amish family sitting near you or the total opposite. As we left St. Louis in a half empty car, a drunk decided to occupy the seat across from us. When he popped open his 4th beer can within the first 40 minutes of the trip (and it was only 9AM) we moved back several seats. He didn't really bother anyone except when he'd yell out "And people wonder why I drink!" Anyway, he was the worse. Most of the time the people may be a little different from what we know but the stories you hear make the trip pass quicker. It's everything from the seasoned train traveler who can tell you how the whole operation works to the young college girl who has no clue. You find out who is going where and why, what kind of work they do or family they come from. Also, I've noticed that people tend to talk a lot louder when they are on their cell phone - I couldn't believe how the gal behind us yelled at her mom because the train was running late (what could she do about it??!!) and then she shared with all of us as she chatted with her friend about her drug/alcohol abuse since school started. But we met a lot of very nice normal people too who were equally interesting.
All in all - we had a good trip but both agreed it was great to get back home.
I don't know why this post just popped up on my computer... glad you had a good trip! Sounds like every secondof every day was planned as usual for a trip with dad! :) Amtrack sounds scary... not sure I'll be doing that anytime soon! We're glad you're home too! :)
What an interesting narrative, Annie! No wonder that Becky and Jenny also write such great blogs! Having never been to Chicago, I enjoyed the pictures and always thought it'd be interesting to go Amtrack some day. If "you" had trouble balancing and walking, guess that would rule Lad and I out! We have trouble walking on flat ground these days!!! Love from Houston, Lou
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