The Five Best Reasons 2008 was so much fun:
Gracie, Ayden, Jackson, Spencer, & Coen
But I don't mind looking back to see what I have or haven't accomplished. For the last several years I've made it my goal to read through the Bible and have been successful each year in that endeavor. I've never set a goal of how many books to read (but I do keep track - 34 in 2008) but I was determined to read Uncle Tom's Cabin which has been sitting on my shelf for a number of years. Not only did I get it read but I truly enjoyed it.
We didn't travel much (partly because Steve hates 'road trips' and I hate flying) but we did make it to Disney World.
I tried to give up blogging but actually not only kept my blog updated a couple times a month but also joined Facebook.
I'm still walking a few times a week but not as often as I should. We're not even going to talk about the weight I continue to fail to shed.
I did learn a little Spanish and Sudoko but I still haven't figured out a lot of things on my Mac.
I only had one new grandchild (Jackson) this year - but I didn't really expect the kids to keep up the '3 a year' goal. :) But I have been blessed with time with all the grandkids and also with many of my friends.
In all, 2008 has been a good journey. There have been many peaks and of course there have been valleys - but God is good and I'm thankful for every day I'm blessed with. I pray the new year will bring us mostly blessings and any sorrows will make us stronger and draw us nearer to God.
Happy New Year to you and all of yours! Your contribution to the gene pool has been signficant this year. Humanity will be blessed by it. Love you guys!
What a great post! The babies are all so beautiful. All the best in 2009.
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