The last few times I've been over to see Spencer he has crawled up in my lap and asked me to tell him a story - his mom says he's been asking her for stories a lot lately and he has his favorites he likes to hear. She and I usually tell him a true story about someone in the family but sometimes he makes up his own story that he wants you to tell - like the one where I catch an octopus.
Jen likes to tell him about when she and Becky dressed up Stevie in a dress and I do actually have that picture but I wasn't sure if Stevie would appreciate that one being on the blog. (I"ll show it to you when you come over though, Spencer)
Another favorite of his is when I was a little girl and I'd visit my grandparents on the farm. Since they had outdoor plumbing you had to make a trip to the outhouse when the need arose. Grandpa had a mean old rooster that would chase you across the yard and try to spur you and Grandpa would come out and chase the old rooster away.

Above is a picture of my Grandpa and below is a picture of me at the farm.

This is a picture of me with my catch that day.
He also likes to hear about my friend Roger - how we would not ring doorbells but I would stand outside and holler "O Roger!" at the top of my lungs. I told Spencer about me trying to jump over the fire hydrant and splitting my head open. I told him how Roger and I often played "Superman & Supergirl" or played with his huge train set that he had. Below is a picture of us playing 'house' - although I was a tomboy Roger was fair in playing 'my' games too.

And the last two pictures are just some I thought Spencer might get a kick out of.

And I just thought Spencer would like this picture of Uncle Stevie and Popo since he is so big time into Superheroes.
I guess I'll have to start remembering some more stories - I can always use some help if anyone can think of any I could share with the grandkids.
Cute post mom! I was actually just thinking about that picture of me and Jenny with all of the stuffed animals, because that is now one of Grace's favorite things to do... pile up the animals!!! :) I'm sure Spencer will love all of your stories!
Spencer loved this blog and said "Awww" when he saw the picture of you when you were little. He has some questions for you though, "Where is a picture of the rooster?", "Why does Popo and your house look funny and different?" and "Do you still have all those stuffed animals, are they in the garage or something?" He wants to see more pictures, especially the one of Stevie dressed up as a girl.
Love this post! The picture of you and Roger, was that taken at your house or Roger? Also, what was the name of your imaginary friend?
Denise - I'm pretty sure that was our back porch room before they built the inside stairs to the basement. And my imaginary friend was Roy but I was afraid to tell him that story or he might decide he needs an imaginary friend.
Jen - I didn't even think about Spencer noticing the different decor - such a clever boy.
Is it just me or does Spencer look a lot like his Uncle Steve?
Suzanne Barbiea
So sweet of you to share all this with Spencer--and us.
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