Spencer wanted to come for an "Overnite"
and last night worked best for all concerned.
He hasn't spent the night here by himself
since he was 2 and Jen & Karl had a wedding in KC.
I think he had a good time but it reminded me
of how much he has grown in 3 years.
This is Spencer now
( in our 1st of 5 or 6 sleeping arrangement choices)
He still likes to have his 'guys' but
he doesn't want them in bed with him now.
This is Spencer at 2 with his monkey & horse "guys"

Spencer now allowed to eat breakfast in the den
preferred the cinnamon toast -
powdered donuts were not a top choice anymore.
Spencer at 2 when powdered donuts were 'yummy!"

Spencer has always been a really good kid and we enjoyed his visit.
But it's funny how it's almost easier now
when he can tell you what he wants or needs -
and yet, sometimes it was easier
when he was 2 and I could tell him what he wants and needs.
"Children's children are a crown to the aged."
Proverbs 17:6
well this almost made me cry, he looks so little and Coen-ish. Thanks for having him over last night, he had a great time.
CUTE! CUTE! Just wait till you get them all at once one night! he! he!
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