Some of the Cloud Clan.

Aunt Maude & Uncle Willard Kendall
Joe, Billy Kendall (Maude & Willard's son), & Nancy
Bill & Lorraine's Wedding
Aunt Mazie & Mom
Aunt Mazie & Uncle Carl
Uncle Willie & Aunt Lorene

It's a rainy day and a good time to do some office cleaning - but of course I've been sidetracked by finding some old pictures. It's kinda strange that I know very few of my Cloud relatives and yet, because some of them lived in St. Louis, they are the ones I remember best from when I was a child.
The first picture is from when many of them were much younger (and still living) and I wasn't around yet. To be honest, I can't pick out most of who's who - but I can find Aunt Maude, Dad, & Mom.
My cousin Bill is probably the only cousin I ever really had a chance to know well
and he has done a lot of genealogy research and I spent most of the morning rereading his family tree booklet & watching Cloud History Part I (Part II ready yet??) He put in a lot of work and has done a wonderful job.
In a nutshell - he traced back to 1575 with a Thomas Cloude of Calne, Wilshire, England. William Cloud, note the e has been dropped to > William Cloud Jr. (b. 1621) who was known to be a member of the Friends Society (Quakers) and bought land in America from friend and fellow Quaker, William Penn. His son Joseph Cloud (b. 1651) preceded him to America by a year and in 1705 had Joseph Jr. - then Isaac Cloud - then Isaac Cloud Jr. who was born in 1785. He had Benjamin F. Cloud born in 1828 and my grandfather, John Franklin Cloud was born in 1868. He married Emma McBride and they had 8 children: Bess, Ruth, Claud, William, Mazie, Carl, Maude, & Laverne.
I met Bess, Ruth, & Claud a few times but never knew any of their children.
Carl (St. Louis) never married, Maude & Willard (St. Louis) are the parents of Bill. Willie (William) (Tennessee) had 3 daughters - I knew fairly well and Aunt Mazie (St. Louis) had 4 daughters I only knew slightly. You would think out of of 8 kids I'd have more cousins but since mom was the youngest I came along too late to really know any of them well. I could probably do a whole blog just on Aunt Mazie - she was a fun character. But during my 'cleaning' I also came across a letter from my Aunt Ruth about my great-grandparents McBride- but I think that will be Part 2. Class Dismissed -
I only saw you your Aunt Maize a few times BUT each time was special.
I remember Nancy and I took her to a St Louis Hawks basketball game early in our marriage. {before Terri} She was a big sports fan.I remember visiting her on top of the hill in Piedmont and at her daughters house in Ill. Aunt Maize was defiantly a woman that even thought short in stature she stood tall in life.
Glad you are part of the Cloud family. Wish you could have known some of the others. You would like Katie Ruth. She still lives in Dyersburg. You would also have liked her two sisters, Pauline and Allene. They were a lot of fun when we were young. Mazie and Carl were definitely the closest to my family. I miss them all.
Part 2 of our family history is in the works, but is still a ways off. Bill
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