Below - Becky

Steve said something about Disney World the other day and Becky & Nate just returned from their trip - made me think of my favorite family vacation. 1987 - Our 1st trip to Disney World. It was a lot of 1st's for the kids. 1st time on a real "tourist" type trip, 1st airplane ride, and 1st time to a beach. We did the whole thing - stayed at Disney World and saw all there was to see, saw Sea World, Busch Gardens, and of course, went to the beach. I think it was my favorite because I was young enough then that the kids wore out before me and the kids were young enough that Steve & I still made all the decisions about what we were doing. Of course the kids got crabby sometimes and tears were shed now and then - but mostly they were just amazed and excited at all there was to see and I just loved watching their faces. I hate to tell you how many times we went through "It's A Small World" - but one of their favorite things to do was try to catch the "water spurts". One thing they were not fond of was stopping for the "memory moment" picture - as these pictures sometimes show - but my heart remembers the laughs and fun we had.
that's so funny that you would post about this, Karl and i were just talking about taking a trip to Disney World with Spencer and baby Reijgers in about a year. i remember how much fun we always had there and how much we loved the "it's a small world" ride.
AWWW! I have never seen those pictures! I was just telling Nate over our vacation how much we loved Disney World as kids, so that is so funny that you posted this. That was a fabulous vacation! I still remember it and get happy just thinking about Disney World! :)
I believe the "Small World" doesn't exist anymore, but not sure. I do remember we all had pizza together and it was a good time. Bill
Bill - I remember the pizza as well and the kids remember Scott & Susan entertaining them while we visited. Seems like yesterday - ann
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