Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Need a Laugh??

Growing up with my older brother I quickly learned that life is just a whole lot easier if you can just laugh at yourself. These last two pictures are awful - the red dress one is my absolute worse - although I'm sure Uncle Ed has some of me that are just as bad. (You don't need to post them though Uncle Ed)
The first picture is my 8th grade graduation picture - I'm probably pretty easy to pick out.
I hated grade school. There were 2 or 3 girls whose goal was to make life miserable for the rest of us by causing fights or telling lies - they just loved to stir up conflict. Finally around 6th grade we realized they were actually the minority but I still couldn't wait to be out of there. Once I got to high school I only kept in touch with 3 of the girls and 2 of the guys - and even those were weak ties. I have no idea where any of them are now. The teacher though was Mrs. Flowers - my favorite all time teacher, a friend of my mom's and a member of our church. She passed on a year or so ago but every time I saw her she still called me Miss Ann.
Enough melancholy - I can actually look at that picture now and remember some of the special personalities of those kids and a lot of the goofy things we all did - and if nothing else, our hairdos are worth a chuckle!

1 comment:

Becky said...

You look adorable! I don't know what you're talking about! :)