Sunday, September 28, 2008

NOT My Favorite Book

I just finished reading The Story of Edgar Sawtelle.  I wish I had known that Oprah was going to make this book her book club choice and then I wouldn't have bothered to have read it.  As a rule, any book Oprah suggests I refuse to read.   She seems to go for the depressing 'what was the point in reading this' book.  
I admit there have been a few exceptions when I had read a book and liked it and THEN found out she had it on her list.  Sad to say, I was already two-thirds through this book before she announced it as her latest book choice - and another rule I have is once I've started a book I will finish the book no matter how bad it is.  Don't get me wrong - I have nothing against Oprah.  Truthfully, I really don't know much about her but my daughter tells me she's very generous and basically has a good heart - she just happens to enjoy books that I don't.
What's the problem with the book?  If  you have a deep desire to know the details about dog training, what a dog might be thinking, or the history of this particular dog farm - (all of which has almost nothing to do with the story line) and you like really dumb endings where the dog is the only winner - then please enjoy.
There is actually a good story line about a mute 'dog whisperer' boy, his family, and his relationship with the dogs.  It has some paranormal and some mystery but you could easily cut out about 250 of the 560 pages and not miss a thing.  I hope I haven't ruined the book for anyone - I know there are some who will really enjoy the book - like Oprah - but I prefer to get my book suggestions from friends like Cathy, Kathryn, Nancy and Kris - who haven't steered me wrong yet.

Friday, September 19, 2008

New Grandson

9#( actually 8# 15 & 9/10 ounces)        21 inches 
everyone is doing well

Monday, September 15, 2008

Memory Flickers 1 & 2

I'm not sure that 'memory flickers' is a good description but it's a mix of deja vu and 'reminds me of'.   Deja vu is like when you think you've been someplace before and 'reminds me of' is like whenever I smell Old Spice - it reminds me of daddy.  
Every once in a while there may be a scent - but more often it is a sound coupled with the atmosphere being exactly right - the right time of day and the same type of weather.  I'm usually alone with my thoughts when they occur.
Even though I'm calling these #1 & #2 - I've actually been having them for as long as I can remember. Anyway -
For example, Memory Flicker #1 was last week.  I was taking a walk around 10 am and it was a brisk but very sunny morning.  There were a number of tree trimmers in the neighborhood - and wham! I was in kindergarten standing in the sunshine at the big picture window listening to the tree trimmers.
Memory Flicker #2 - I was driving with the radio off on a drizzly late afternoon when I was suddenly aware of the noise the tires of the cars made on the wet pavement - and my memory zapped me back to a rainy afternoon when my little brother and I were in the back seat of my parents car on our way to Gravois Bootery to get new shoes.
Maybe I'm just crazy - but do you guys have these little 'memory flicker moments'?
They kinda amuse me (yes, I'm easily amused) and they give me a warm feeling.  Don't be surprised if I decide to share my 'memory flickers' with you.  Do you think I should patent that name?  Anybody else want to share their memory flickers?

Monday, September 01, 2008

Wandering Thoughts

I should be getting ready for bed right now but my mind is on some kind of stroll through a maze of thoughts.  In no particular order:
 - tomorrow Spencer starts back to preschool and I hope he loves it again like last year.
 - wondering how Jessie is feeling and how soon grandbaby #5 will arrive?
 - Jen & Karl celebrate their 8th anniversary tomorrow - how is this possible?
 - I'm really tired of watching politics on television - but I still don't know who I'll vote for - I just wish the election was all over.
 - PS I Love You was really a great movie - now I want to go to Ireland and learn Celtic
 - I hope Gracie is feeling better
 - glad Gustav wasn't as bad as Katrina and Im REALLY thankful none of my children wanted to be storm chasers (did you see those guys of tv??)
 - Why is it that I can't seem to ever get this house clean?
 - I need 5 'take-homes' for David & Goliath in October - that's harder than it sounds
 - let's say summer is over and have some wonderful cool, crisp weather and lovely falling leaves 
But the thought that I like to fall asleep with is:
 - I have the most amazing children who are so good to me and have made great choices for a mate - and then to top it all off they have given me the most precious and entertaining grandchildren ever possible.
 Good night friends - sweet dreams