Monday, September 15, 2008

Memory Flickers 1 & 2

I'm not sure that 'memory flickers' is a good description but it's a mix of deja vu and 'reminds me of'.   Deja vu is like when you think you've been someplace before and 'reminds me of' is like whenever I smell Old Spice - it reminds me of daddy.  
Every once in a while there may be a scent - but more often it is a sound coupled with the atmosphere being exactly right - the right time of day and the same type of weather.  I'm usually alone with my thoughts when they occur.
Even though I'm calling these #1 & #2 - I've actually been having them for as long as I can remember. Anyway -
For example, Memory Flicker #1 was last week.  I was taking a walk around 10 am and it was a brisk but very sunny morning.  There were a number of tree trimmers in the neighborhood - and wham! I was in kindergarten standing in the sunshine at the big picture window listening to the tree trimmers.
Memory Flicker #2 - I was driving with the radio off on a drizzly late afternoon when I was suddenly aware of the noise the tires of the cars made on the wet pavement - and my memory zapped me back to a rainy afternoon when my little brother and I were in the back seat of my parents car on our way to Gravois Bootery to get new shoes.
Maybe I'm just crazy - but do you guys have these little 'memory flicker moments'?
They kinda amuse me (yes, I'm easily amused) and they give me a warm feeling.  Don't be surprised if I decide to share my 'memory flickers' with you.  Do you think I should patent that name?  Anybody else want to share their memory flickers?


Becky said...

I have them all the time... some of my favorites are when we turn on the attic fan, I'm immediately taken back to when we were kids going to bed on a summer night and when I use baby shampoo on Grace, I totally think of getting a bath myself when I was little!

Bradford L. Stevens said...

Smells and sounds trigger distant memories for me. The older I get the more they "flicker". Let me know if you want a tradmark search?