Monday, September 01, 2008

Wandering Thoughts

I should be getting ready for bed right now but my mind is on some kind of stroll through a maze of thoughts.  In no particular order:
 - tomorrow Spencer starts back to preschool and I hope he loves it again like last year.
 - wondering how Jessie is feeling and how soon grandbaby #5 will arrive?
 - Jen & Karl celebrate their 8th anniversary tomorrow - how is this possible?
 - I'm really tired of watching politics on television - but I still don't know who I'll vote for - I just wish the election was all over.
 - PS I Love You was really a great movie - now I want to go to Ireland and learn Celtic
 - I hope Gracie is feeling better
 - glad Gustav wasn't as bad as Katrina and Im REALLY thankful none of my children wanted to be storm chasers (did you see those guys of tv??)
 - Why is it that I can't seem to ever get this house clean?
 - I need 5 'take-homes' for David & Goliath in October - that's harder than it sounds
 - let's say summer is over and have some wonderful cool, crisp weather and lovely falling leaves 
But the thought that I like to fall asleep with is:
 - I have the most amazing children who are so good to me and have made great choices for a mate - and then to top it all off they have given me the most precious and entertaining grandchildren ever possible.
 Good night friends - sweet dreams


Bradford L. Stevens said...

It just keeps getting better doesn't it? Did Steve tell you he shot a 76 last week? :-)

Christie said...

I love keeping up with you on here!! Tell your husband I said hello!!! you can keep up with the Bills' family through my blog at