Friday, September 11, 2009

How Quickly They Grow!

Spencer wanted to come for an "Overnite"
and last night worked best for all concerned.
He hasn't spent the night here by himself
since he was 2 and Jen & Karl had a wedding in KC.
I think he had a good time but it reminded me
of how much he has grown in 3 years.
This is Spencer now
( in our 1st of 5 or 6 sleeping arrangement choices)
He still likes to have his 'guys' but
he doesn't want them in bed with him now.
This is Spencer at 2 with his monkey & horse "guys"
Spencer now allowed to eat breakfast in the den
preferred the cinnamon toast -
powdered donuts were not a top choice anymore.
Spencer at 2 when powdered donuts were 'yummy!"
Spencer has always been a really good kid and we enjoyed his visit.
But it's funny how it's almost easier now
when he can tell you what he wants or needs -
and yet, sometimes it was easier
when he was 2 and I could tell him what he wants and needs.
"Children's children are a crown to the aged."
Proverbs 17:6


Jenny Reijgers said...

well this almost made me cry, he looks so little and Coen-ish. Thanks for having him over last night, he had a great time.

Becky said...

CUTE! CUTE! Just wait till you get them all at once one night! he! he!