Saturday, November 27, 2010


We had a great Thanksgiving again this year.
Jen's and Becky's families joined
Steve and I for fun and feasting.

Hadley, Coen, & Spencer.
Caught Jen with her mouth full - and Hadley.
Nate, Grace, & Becky
GG & caught Jen again while eating.
(Sorry about that Jenny)
Karl & Steve
It's always odd to me to be able to seat everyone
around the dining room table.
I can remember years when we had anywhere
between 25 - 45 people for Thanksgiving -
of course, I was much younger back then!
I remember one year we had 3 turkeys.
I've had a lot of great memories of Thanksgiving
from when I was a child at Mom's or Aunt Maude's.
Then Nancy use to do Thanksgiving and Christmas
until I had a house to take over Thanksgiving.
But as our families grow we have to alter our traditions.
Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend -
now I must get back to my Christmas decorating!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again we miss you! And by the way EDWARD got NO stuffing this year! :)