Tuesday, July 22, 2008

From a Child's Point of View

I'm working with the 2 & 3 year olds at VBS this year.  It's funny how we adults think a kid should enjoy certain activities and yet we have to almost drag them around and try to convince them that 'this is fun!"    At this young age it could just be nap time but sometimes I really think our 2 & 3 year olds would like to just sing a few songs they already know, hear a story, some of them want to 'make' something but the best part is a simple snack (animal crackers or goldfish) and just let them run & play.
Of course the older kids get more out of all the activities going on.  My grandson Spencer is 4 and I have been driving him home after VBS.  He is very verbal and sometimes I forget he's only 4 because he can be so mature - but I love hearing his version of what he did at VBS that day.  He quickly figured out by my questions that I already know what he's been doing since all ages follow the same routine.  So when he was tired of talking about it (this is his lunch & nap time) he tells me, "Nana, you already know what games we played."
The one thing he's been consistent about the last few days is that he doesn't like Chadder because he's scary.  Chadder is a people sized chipmunk - he is in fact the hero of the little movie they watch.  This movie has thunder storms, a scary museum in an old castle, a weird mad scientist, trap doors that lead to a dark & scary science lab, people turning into hairy animals - and all of this is accompanied with that haunted house music - and this sweet boy doesn't like Chadder because he's scary - all the other stuff doesn't bother him in the least.  Kids are so great and so much fun - and I think we should really pay close attention to their point of view sometimes.


The Robinsons said...

Hi Ann! I was wondering why Jonah kept telling me OVER and OVER again, "Mommy, cheddar cheese chipmunk is scary with thunderstorms and he went crash and fur went all over people and he scared me!!!"
"Cheddar cheese chipmunk is not very nice. We should never, never do that!"

NOW, I understand!! Thank you so much for being so loving and sweet to my little one! You are the greatest!!

Kathryn & John said...

I wonder how many other kids are scared. Maybe next year they should show a little bit of the program to a focus group of kids of different ages to see how they react.

nathan said...

There is something deeply unsettling about that rodent.