Saturday, April 05, 2008

Books & Book Clubs

   Anyone who know me at all knows how much I enjoy reading.  The problem is that I can never remember what I've read after a few days - but I really do enjoy the journey with a good book.  I've started keeping a notebook to help me with this task.
   Almost 3 years ago Susan,a friend I've known for almost 30 years, asked me to join a book club she was forming and to bring a friend.  I brought the best friend I've ever had, my sister.  The other members of the club are all nurses Susan knows.  Our group is a nice mix of women with different views and a variety of backgrounds so it's always an interesting evening when we meet.  Nancy and I learn a lot about the real scoop on how a hospital is run - sometimes good to know and sometimes wish I didn't know.        
Unlike most groups we don't have a 'list' of books we're going to read.  Each meeting we decide on our next book by making suggestions or more often, perusing the 'popular paperback' tables at Barnes & Noble.  This can become a real challenge at times  - Rita prefers mysteries, I prefer historical fiction, Nancy is (of course) agreeable to anything, Kris who is such an avid reader that she's always read almost all of the books, and my favorite is Susan who chooses a book by the size.  Not really - I'm just teasing but she does read the end before she'll read the book and she's the only person I've ever met who didn't like "The Red Tent".  All this just makes us a great fun group.  
The best part about this method is that I've read several books I never would have chosen on my own and been pleasantly surprised with the choice.  If I knew I could get the books read I'd almost join a second club - but I really like the group we have and they might have set too high a standard.
So, I have found another option - I find other 'readers' and get suggestions from them.  Kathy & Kathryn have been excellent sources for me (must be something about the name??)  But I'm always open to more.  Right now I have 5 books on my desk to read that have been suggested and a list of about 6 more - but those will be gone sooner than I like.  
So what am I babbling on about?? - I'm not sure myself.  I guess I'm recommending book clubs and sending me any good titles you've read lately.  I'll even give you a few of my favorite recent reads :
"The Space Between Us"
"Water for Elephants"
"Same Kind of Different As Me"
"One Thousand Women"
"The Book Thief"
I'm just starting "Those Who Save Us" - looking good already!

1 comment:

Christie said...

I love your blogs! I always check to see what you guys are up to! It has been awhile since I have seen you all but I love keeping up with you. I am in grad school but I will have the month of JULY off and I already have a few choices piled up to get through!